While i was away,...
i was coming up with satisfactory excuses to explain what i was doing while i was away, like-
-i was in school. (but then i always blogged even when i was in school).
-i was doing my very last semester in school, the one where u have to start your desertation. (but then that would give me much more to blog about, seeing as whining about school could have become the theme of my blog).
-i was not in kampala. (yeah right. then how would i get to whine about school?)
-i was in a land far far away. (this could be kind of true. i mean, the word 'land' can be relative, can't it?)
-i was in a remote area. (who am i fooling. everyone's village has internet these days. except the one where rae works, - girl how are u doing out there? not that u can read this in the next few working months but how are u doing anyway?!)
-i was sick. (cant use this excuse either, coz i'd have to blog about the kind of sickness that would keep me from blogging that long, and i hate sickness. cant be that creative about it.)
-i ran out of things to blog about. (now why would i want to downplay my blogging reputation and ego like that?! oh yeah, coz i'm trying to find a great excuse... nah, not worth it.)
-i got some brain damage to the part that controls my writing skills. (but then how would i explain this post?)
-i didnt have the time. (ie considering that the word 'time' can also be relative).
-i was at a campus camp. (well, that was only for 4 days).
-i got tagged by pea and was thinking about 8 random things about me. ( them good old blog-tagging days. yes my friends, i've spent that long without blogging.)
-any of the above. (except they are all untrue. unless u consider them all as one collective reason. but i'm not the kind to lie so voluntarily.)
-i saw the sons of anak page and tried to do another blog too,... (ok, i cant think of another thoughtful blog name so let me not bother continuing with this lie.)
-i spent long without blogging and couldnt pick up the courage to start telling u guys i will never do it again, coz i had said that before, if u remember the last time i spent ages without blogging. (this, my friends, could be true.)