Monday, November 03, 2008

Darn my brother. He abused me. He called me stupid, just because doesn’t want to admit he was the one in the wrong. He’s the one who made the mistake, and just because he’s older, he doesn’t want be found to be imperfect. So now he’s turning it round, telling everyone I’m the stupid one. And just because he’s older, I have to shut up and not answer back and respect him and let him tell everyone how stupid I am. But God, You saw what happened! You know I’m right! You know he’s the one who made the mistake! You know I’m the one who’s right! God You know I’m right! The world knows I’m right! The angry hormones rushing through my blood know I’m right. I just might give him a piece of my mind this time…

Darn that secretary. She undermined me. She refused to give me an appointment because she said I’m underage. I told her my real age and showed her all my qualifications. I was more qualified than the other people. But in one arrogant look at me from head to toe she dismissed me. I am the right person for this job. You know I am God. The world knows I am. My heart, soul and body know I am. The angry hormones racing in my body are going to make me give her an impulsive rude retort…

Darn my uncle. He hurt me. He said I’m too inadequate to be a married woman. He said I’ll never have a happy family because I’m going to do a PHD when I’m not yet married. He said I look old and ugly and no one will want an educated jajja like me. He said by now he would be having 5 more cows but I’m keeping him poor because I spend all my time either at school, work or Church instead of being out there looking for a rich man. But God, I know I know I am not wrong to wait on You. You know I don’t want to do anything out of Your will. I know You know the plans You have for me. I’m right to wait on You. You know I’m right. The world knows I’m right. The bitter hormones racing through my body know I’m right. I always be angry at my uncle and men like him…

Darn myself. How can I be so proud? I look at the Cross again and say darn myself. There I was, guilty of all my sin. And without even asking, You came down and made me worthy to be in Heaven. I was wrong and You made me right. Darn myself. I look at You. The Israelites are blaming You for something You did not do. They were guilty of sin and they said it was You who was wrong. And You forgave them… I will not blame my brother. Even though the world knows I’m right, I will be like You, I am not of the world. I am like You, I will forgive Him.

Darn myself. I see Pilate questioning You and I say darn myself. You are King. God our Father knows You are. The Holy Spirit knows you are. And yet when Pilate asks You if You are, You do not reply. Darn myself. I will not speak rudely to the secretary. I was qualified, the world knows I was. My whole body knows I was. But I am not of the world, I am Yours. I am not subject to my flesh, my spirit is Yours. I will let her be, leave her guilty of missing out on me. I will go where You have prepared others to recognize me.

Darn myself. I see You in the garden of Gethsemane. You ask God to take away the cup of suffering, yet You ask for His will to be done. I will not hurt. I will not marry the wrong man. I don’t want to be alone, burning with passion. I deserve to have my own children. The world knows I do. So do You. But I am not of the world so let Your will be done.

Yay me. My brother said he is sorry and I forgave him. 5 years later, the secretary is calling me. Her company wants to buy me from the one where I am now CEO. I am getting married to the most wonderful man I’ve ever known. Yay me. I see You risen from the grave, shining in the light of Your Glory. You have been raised to Your rightful place and I have raised me there too. I am where You want me to be. Glory Hallelujah.


At 6:44 AM, Anonymous ~ScotchBiscuits~ said...

wow Crys! Inspired writting is inspiring!!!

At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Kafo said...

this is mii everyday
blaming everyone
it is like you have my life, the uncle, sibling, mercy you were on point

thanks for this remimder

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Eagle Motors said...

since my notoriety precedes me,I wouldn't so much think of commenting on this piece lest i get struck down...kaboom,just like that! However,I'm interested to know,looking at the times of posting...u live a very nocturnal that my dear,it shortens your span,since there's lots of carbondioxide in the air at such times...from where....your guess is as good or even better than mine!

At 1:36 AM, Anonymous feather said...

have you been reading my mind lately?


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