Monday, February 26, 2007

deja vu.

that was the movie that denzel washington acted in. but for the sake of your ease in understanding what i'm really blogging about, i have to give other less important facts about the movie. like it was really, really interesting. best i watched last year (on 31st december). and it's nice to watch denzel acting(duh). it basically included use of some technology that could take denzel back in time to stop some tragic ship-bombing from happening. i know, usual stuf. except this time it wasn't a time machine. it was more of a satellite-like thing that could be used to locate someone in a city, and watch them. sort of like a surveillance camera. except this time you're watching the person's past, and you're watching it live. it took denzel some time to realize what it was. here he was thinking he was watching and following the recorded movements of one of the murdered victims to find clues, until he flashes some kind of laser thing at the screen which interferes with whatever kind of waves those are in the atmosphere, and the woman, on-screen, responds to that flash. which she shouldnt have been able to do if it was an ordinary video recording and an ordinary screen. and even if it wasn't ordinary, the woman was already dead. (i understand that my technology vocabulary and understanding are very limitted, but i think u can pretty much see what i'm pointing out. i hope.). ok, so we find out it's a top secret machine that's tracking her movements live from the past. but, if the dead woman is able to respond from her past, then is she actually dead or not? where is her spirit at the moment; is it hovering in the afterworld, or is it in its past responding to denzel's flash? and when denzel goes back in time to stop her death (a chain of actions that the other secret service people in the present are watching on that screen), is he like, bringing her 'back from the dead' from the future? is he calling her spirit back to it's past to avoid her death? apparently the technology allows one to go back in time, and create another line events, thus altering the future. except of course when u alter one person's line of events, the past and future changes for everyone else too. and of course, at some point in life evryone will die and u cant keep going back and forth in time to save everyone, so though u can create various chains of events, u end up at the same point some day, u just choose which vector u want to use to reach that point. karru, i understand why the movie seemed a bit freaky.

i've always beleived God is the master of science. He made the moon, stars, atoms, cells, molecules; He designed processes like photosynthesis, forces like gravity, and etc. He has even been kind enough to give people brains that have been able to discover some of these scientific processes and elements and their properties and all, and enabled us use them to invent medicines and machines that make our lives easier and more comfortable. in fact, most of the time, these inventions are used to His glory, what with seeing His beloved people made happier and thankful for medicines and stuf.

i also beleive that eternity will end before we ever get to see God in His totality. including all the science He has that we dont know yet. but guys, help me out here, ;-how far can science really go? is it legal to go back and forth in time to make us happy? (assuming it's possible). coz i can think of quite a lot of things i could change in world history, leave alone mine. i wonder how it would affect the spirit world if i went back in time and had a chat with Hitler, or Museveni (i'd have to go back to 2005 to talk to him), or Leonardo Da Vinci, or my little brother, or Micheal Jackson in the 70's, or my big brother who died before i got to see him,...


At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool stuff Crys.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Iwaya said...

there are a lot of things i would love to go back to and re-do, better. so yeah, the religion aside, i would totally sign up for the machine.

At 2:01 PM, Blogger ~ScotchBiscuits~ said...

I'm not for going back and redoing...but if I did, I'd give you more hugs, talk&walk for more hours...

At 5:06 PM, Blogger jm said...

I love these topics. It always amazes me when scientists declare "there is no God". Logically, They cannot possibly prove that. If God is the author of science, then how can we purport to use science to prove his inexistence? Just pondering ...

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Pea said...

Great entry, Crys. Mwangi, interesting, and so true! I agree with whoever said it takes more faith to be an atheist than to be a Christian. Going back in time, hmm... nah, I think going forward has better prospects for me.


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