Friday, November 24, 2006

the current dilemma is;

kids. i've spent about two weeks, doing all the housework(for my parents, 2 vistors and i, only), having the tv to myself, being alone in the house during the day, trying to start to finish my report. yes, it does get lonely, and yes, i do think of weird things. dilemma; is this worse than the fact that the noisy kids came back from baording school today, turned the tv volume to full blast before demanding a special welcome-home lunch for me, and messed up my room which is now the girls room? i mean, they'll do the housework now, and i dont just have myself to talk to. and they'll keep me away from tv by watching their lousy programms so i'll probably do my report. grr... should i be thankful or not!*?! grrr!!!!!!


At 5:12 AM, Blogger muzukulu wa Nkali said...

be thankful dear that you have some people around to distract you, edgar has just left and am already missing him.
u know how he is with his stupid comments but i do enjoy them.
may be i should cme over and help!!!!:-)

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Rae said...

what do i call it? street, vac...
lets trade places... I have to laugh at my own jokes!!!

At 10:06 AM, Blogger ~ScotchBiscuits~ said...

be happy! You'd be missing them if they were leaving instead!

At 7:33 AM, Blogger crys said...

u guys seriously are all on the same side?


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